Thursday, May 7, 2009

I Do Not Know The Muffin Man

Last night was Baking Class. Muffin's were our assignment (that is after we learned about the composition of wheat. Interesting to a point, then it becomes similar to watching paint dry.)

I like baking, and recently thought I was getting better at it. In the past, my biscuits were so hard they could be used as door stops or hockey pucks. However, over last six months I made a gorgeous chocolate ganache cake that looked and tasted awesome, red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting that I still get requests for and I've even made scones that looked and tasted like, well, scones. Then, last night, my career as a baking genius came to a screeching halt. My muffins, sadly, were limp and desperately in need of Viagra. Well, to be fair, my plain muffins were fine and the texture was good, but, my corn muffins, filled with cheese and a roasted yellow pepper were as flat as a board. I'm curious as to whether it was due to over working the batter or possibly ingredients being incorrectly measured. There were two of us to a team so it got a bit confusing.

And, to make matters worse, I can now add myself to the list of my classmates who have cut themselves. Yep, I cut myself... in baking class. After chopping up the roasted yellow pepper for the corn muffins with speed and flair, I became Jerry Lewis and had a slight spaz and whipped the tip of my knife up and tagged myself on the palm, just under the pinkie. A nice neat little slice. I barely felt it. What irked me more was the shame I felt telling the Chef I cut myself and needed a band-aid. Thankfully, Chef took pity on me and told me about a cut he gave himself which was equally embarrassing. He told me cuts like this are gonna happen and at least it was tiny and I didn't bleed on the pepper.

All in all, not my best evening. However, I will not be discouraged. I'm going to master the Muffin Man and make him my bitch! He will rise on command and be springy and moist! He will not stick to the tin! He will pop out fresh and ready to be eaten! This means, I will be practicing muffins all weekend. What's your favorite flavor?! Stop by for a fresh muffin and to hear the Muffin Man cry!

Tonight is Knife Skills - stop laughing, I refuse to cut myself two nights in a row!


  1. Lemon Poppyseed please! And your Red Velvet's are the BEST!

  2. Blueberry!!! These blogs are hysterical...I hope the Muffin Man cried like a baby!

  3. "He will pop out fresh and ready to be eaten!" - you ARE the naughty chef!
